Case Study: Multi-Platform Wine Magazine
Logo | Print | iPad | iPhone
Programs used: InDesign, Illustrator & Photoshop
Quaff, short for ‘Quaffable’, refers to wines that taste good. At Quaff Magazine, focus is on the small producers who are quality obsessed. The terroir and the faces behind the wine are what makes the articles in Quaff stand out. The wineries featured can be found all over the world - and the more unique the better! The magazine, founded in 2021, produces issues quarterly for both traditional print and for use on mobile devices. Clean, minimal covers portray a high-end curated feel, attracting the discerning customers.

Print Magazine

Images and colour blocks span across the fold to create a modern and enticing look. Colour scheme is muted, with pops of deep red to keep the viewer interested.

The magazine spread had to be altered into two columns in order to be easy to read on the iPad.

The iPhone had to be further altered to one column, making it a long scroll and photos stacked on top of each other.